The Program
Just not drinking or using is not what we define as sobriety. Because every day a 'dry' alcoholic/addict goes without having a paradigm shift in his thinking/consciousness, is another day he is risking drinking or using again. Therefore, we require that our house members regularly attend 12 step meetings, but we also feel that attending meetings without working the program is not enough to have a healthy sobriety. Therefore, we also require our house members obtain (and use) a sponsor, work the steps, hold a job, and eventually move on to sponsoring people themselves as the real medicinal affect of the 12 steps is... One alcoholic helping another..
More info about our 12 Step requirements.
Just not drinking or using is not what we define as sobriety. Because every day a 'dry' alcoholic/addict goes without having a paradigm shift in his thinking/consciousness, is another day he is risking drinking or using again. Therefore, we require that our house members regularly attend 12 step meetings, but we also feel that attending meetings without working the program is not enough to have a healthy sobriety. Therefore, we also require our house members obtain (and use) a sponsor, work the steps, hold a job, and eventually move on to sponsoring people themselves as the real medicinal affect of the 12 steps is... One alcoholic helping another..
More info about our 12 Step requirements.
If there is no accountability, there is little chance the house as a whole is progressing in their recovery. We have multiple levels of accountability ranging from regular visits from our Operations Manager, to daily accountability with our House Manager, to individual accountability with our "House Mentor" program. Updating
New members are assigned a "House Mentor" and are responsible for updating their mentor on an hourly basis (and proving their update with photo texts) in the beginning so that the whereabouts and progress of the new member is accounted. This has the effect of keeping new members focused and protecting the house's health at large.a 12 Step Program
As they say in 12 Step meetings, "It works when you work it." So that is what our members are required to do. This includes regular meeting attendance, working with their sponsor, studying recovery literature, working the steps, and ultimately passing it on so that they themselves may keep it. Responsiblity
As members progress, they are given greater responsibility in the running of the house, which depending on how they do with this leads to additional privileges. |
Phase System
Almost everything in our homes are based around a member's Phase level. The higher the phase, the more freedom, privilege, trust, they receive. Whereas lower phases have more structure and accountability. Phases are primarily achieved through action in their 12 step program. Points / Demerits
Whereas Phase progress is mandatory. Points are earned voluntarily by rewarding positive actions. In turn, these Points can be 'spent' on items like discounts on fees, overnight passes, and more. Inversely, a healthy house must have some form of discipline. So Demerits may lead to extra chores or restrictions for example. Employment
Residents are required to work at least a minimum of 30 hours per week, and if they have no job, work full time finding one by working 40 hours per week and turning in 10 applications per day. (school or voluteer work may count as 'work'). Cleanliness
"is next to Godliness" as they say. And we believe it. When a sober house is clean, the members simply do better, have better self respect, and are integrating healthy discipline. So daily and weekly deep-cleaning chores are required. Drug / Alcohol Testing
All members undergo regular testing and breathalyzing. (pricing includes tests) |